Bean sprouts: a disease-fighting food and how to consume them safely

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Bean sprouts contain many nutrients, including protein, amino acids, calcium, and antioxidants that help slow down the deterioration of cells in the body. The benefits of bean sprouts may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. In addition, bean sprouts are low in calories. Making them suitable for those who are losing weight or on a diet.

Bean sprouts are bean sprouts that grow from black beans, mung beans,  peas, or soybeans. Thais usually eat bean sprouts that come mainly from mung beans and soybeans. These sprouts are often used in cooking, both cooked and raw, such as in noodles or Pad Thai. Many people may consume bean sprouts for their flavor. But may not know whether they are beneficial or harmful to health. In this article, we have gathered interesting information about bean sprouts, including how to eat them safely.

bean sprout

Nutrients in bean sprouts

Normally, mung beans, which are the origin of bean sprouts, already contain a high amount of various nutrients. If the seeds are grown until they become bean sprouts. Some nutrients will increase, especially amino acids that help create tissue, hormones, and enzymes. But at the same time, they will provide fewer calories. For about 200 grams of cooked mung beans, they provide about 212 kilocalories of energy, consisting of 14 grams of protein, 39 grams of carbohydrates, and 15 grams of dietary fiber. This means that consuming the same amount of bean sprouts may provide a relatively high amount of protein nutrients and the body will not receive much energy. In addition, bean sprouts also contain other nutrients that the body should receive in relatively high amounts per day, such as:

  • 80 percent of the body’s daily folate requirement
  • 30 percent of the body’s daily recommended manganese intake
  • Vitamin B1 and phosphorus 20-25 percent of the body’s daily requirement
  • Iron, potassium, zinc and other vitamins 

Benefits of eating bean sprouts

As mentioned, bean sprouts are rich in many nutrients and low in calories. Those who regularly consume bean sprouts may experience the following benefits:

Reduce the risk of diabetes

Bean sprouts contain antioxidants called phenolics that may be useful in preventing diabetes. Studies have shown that phenolics may help the body absorb and use sugars better, which is beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels. They also stimulate the production of glycogen and regulate body fat levels. These factors are all important factors in reducing the risk of diabetes. However, the study did not mention the side effects of phenolics, so more studies are needed to ensure that these substances do not cause harmful side effects if consumed in large amounts.

Reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure is a relatively dangerous condition because people with this condition may be at higher risk of serious diseases than other groups of people, such as coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and dementia. Studies have found that amino acids and proteins found in bean sprout extracts have the ability to reduce blood pressure levels. Therefore, eating bean sprouts regularly may help reduce blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. However, the results of this study were not directly about eating bean sprouts, but rather about bean sprout extracts, so the benefits in reducing blood pressure may change.


Bean sprouts contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that are beneficial to the body in many ways. One of the properties that has been mentioned is anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have found that many nutrients extracted from bean sprouts, such as polyphenols, gallic acid, and flavonoids, help stimulate the immune system. Therefore, it is believed that consuming bean sprouts may relieve symptoms of diseases that cause inflammation, such as allergies, diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis. However, treating inflammation caused by various diseases by eating bean sprouts should wait for further human studies to confirm such properties.

Treat skin diseases

Polyphenols found in bean sprouts are believed to be beneficial in treating skin diseases. One study that studied the relationship between the properties of polyphenols and their medical benefits found that polyphenols can slow down cell degeneration, fight germs, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the skin. Therefore, they may be beneficial in treating chronic wounds, burns, allergic dermatitis, and even dangerous diseases such as skin cancer. They can also help solve various skin problems such as treating acne, reducing wrinkles, and dark spots. However, this study found some side effects from use and did not directly study the polyphenols in bean sprouts. Therefore, if anyone wants to use products containing polyphenols to treat diseases or nourish the skin, they should consult a doctor about safe usage methods.